A Branch of the Western Bigfoot Society

For any sighting or tracks please contact O.B.R.S.G. at any time or fill out the Bigfoot Sighting Questionnaire. All names will be kept confidential.

The Ohio Bigfoot Research and Study Group is an organization dedicated to the study of Sasquatch. The headquarters is in Cincinnati, Ohio and all members are volunteers. A monthly newsletter will soon be available to anyone interested in supporting Ohio sasquatch research.

Anyone interested in contributing to this effort can obtain information by mail or phone. Monetary contributions will fund expeditions throughout Ohio, reproduction costs, postage costs, long distance phone costs, governmental Freedom of Information Act requests (FOIA), and equipment maintenance costs. All costs are currently being paid by the individual investigators. Lack of funding is the primary obstacle to much-needed field research. Non-monetary contributions such as equipment, transportation, professional expertise, information, newsletter articles, and participation in investigations will also greatly help this effort.

The Ohio Bigfoot Research and Study Group is not a big game hunting club and does not have as its goal to bring in a dead sasquatch for the scientific establishment. to examine. No firearms are carried into the field during on-site investigations. It is the opinion of the Ohio Bigfoot Research and Study Group that Ohio supports a population of previously unknown primates. Whether these elusive creatures are limited to the same natural constraints as the rest of the animal kingdom, or if there is a paranormal aspect involved, is not known at this time.

To reach O.B.R.S.G. contact :

Joedy Cook
634 Delhi Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45204


George Clappison
919 Forest Ave.
Franklin, Ohio 45005

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